jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

Unicorns, tickles and rainbows...Group 3 in English class!

 Spot the monkey!!
 Our young bloggers!

Hello! We are Angela and Cristina. On Monday we came to the camp and we saw the bedroom. After, we went to the swimming pool and met new friends. Finally, we ate pasta with tomato and played game. At night we slept at 2 o´clock.

Hi! We are Julia and Raúl. On Tuesday we went rock climbing and then we had English class. When we finished the class we went to the swimming pool. At night we ate delicious hamburgers and yogurt. Then we played a mysterious game. We had to look for berengorios murderer.

 Writing about the crazy things that happen on camp! Great stories! I hope they´re not true :-)
 Cool kids!

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